Thursday, June 30, 2011

Kicked Out of New Mexico!

HI all,
After spending Monday kicking around Albuquerque waiting for Kelli's flight to arrive, we immediately headed north only to spend Mon. night in a Wal-Mart parking lot. But it was OK because the all night parking lot security guard welcomed us, showed us the best place to park, and told us he would check on us all night. It was close to midnight and all the campgrounds were closed due to fire hazard.
Tues. to Chimayo, then Santa Fe,   then Taos for lunch. After that we headed west into Carson National forest to do some rock climbing at El Rito.
El Rito turned out to be an awesome climbing area, we had a great day! When we got back to the car there was a notice on the car stating that the Natnl. Forest would be closed and must be evacuated by 6am the next morning because of the approaching wild fires! We had be traveling and climbing in heavy smoke all day, so this was not too much of a surprise to us.
Since most of our plans in NM involved activities in the national forest we decided to head north into Colorado, eventually leaving the smoke and ending up at Penitente Canyon.
Spent the morning climbing at Penitente, and are now in South Fork CO waiting for some light rain to stop (the first I've seen in 8 days!), so we can go bouldering nearby.
Sorry for the run-on.
So, now pictures from most of the above days.

Nuclear Science Museum, Albuquerque.

Sant Fe


OK, that's a lot. I've not loaded the pics of the smoke in the sky as we were driven from NM. Hopefully tonight.
All for now.
Cheers, Mark

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